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How long does it take to complete El Caminito del Rey?
It depends.
If you go with a guide, depending on the company you can do it from 2 hours to 3 hours.
How many kilometers is El Caminito del Rey?
The route consists of 4.8 km of trails and forest tracks and 2.9 of walkways, so in total it would be 7.7 km.
When is the best time to do El Caminito del Rey?
In autumn and spring the temperatures are milder to go to El Caminito, but if you go in summer the afternoon hours are somewhat better, since it provides shade for a large part of the route.
How much does the entrance to El Caminito cost?
There are many options and companies that do it.
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Who can't do El Caminito?
How difficult is El Caminito del Rey?
How to get to El Caminito del Rey?
We recommend leaving your vehicle at El Caminito del Rey exit, after which you should take the shuttle bus to the entrance (about a 20-minute journey), so when you finish walking El Caminito, you don't have to wait for anything.
What happens if El Caminito del Rey closes?
In this case you will have 2 months of availability to be able to change the date of entry, always subject to the availability of the management company. Cancellations and refunds are not considered.
What are the schedules for the shuttle bus at Caminito del Rey?
The Caminito del Rey ends at a different point than where it begins, for that reason there are a shuttle bus between entrance and exit. We provide link of timetable:
Where to park on the Caminito del Rey?
We recommend the free parking in the southern area, so when you get tired of walking the Caminito del Rey, you will have your car there without having to wait in lines for the bus.
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